Genius Loci, inc. is an ecologically
focused design/build firm and native plant nursery committed to the
design, installation, restoration and management of landscapes, an art
and science we refer to as Ecological Planning and Design.
Services include:
- design
- conceptual, master and grading plans
- land use planning
- ecological restoration
- consultation for residential, commercial, corporate
and governmental landscapes
We join elements from the fields of landscape architecture,
the emerging science of ecological restoration and the landscape design/build
industry, to create practical landscape solutions that reinforce what
is unique about the place in which we live.
Genius Loci, pronounced Jen-e'-us Lo-see, is a Latin
term meaning 'Spirit of Place'. Genius Loci maintains a Native Plant
Nursery specializing in hard-to-find native woodland shrubs and perennials.
Established in 1997, our office is located in Elyria, Ohio.
v: to make indigenous; the act of joining
nature in the natural process of healing ecosystems.
Are you native?
A native is a man or creature or plant indigenous to a specific geographical
area - a space boundaried and defined by mountains, watersheds or coastlines
and climates (not by latitudes, longitudes or state, county or national
lines), with its own peculiar mixture of herbs, trees, bugs, birds,
flowers, streams, hills, rocks and animals (including people), its own
nuances of rain, wind and seasonal changes. Native intelligence develops
through an unspoken or soft spoken relationship with these interwoven
elements; it evolves as the native involves himself in his bio-region.
A non-native awakes in the morning in a body, in a bed, in a room, in
a building on a street in a county, in a state, in a nation. A native
awakes in the center of a little cosmos - or a big one if his intelligence
is vast - and he wears this cosmos like a robe, senses the barely perceptible
shiftings, migrations, moods and machinations of its creatures, its
growing green things, its earth and sky. |